Kada Rusija otima ukrajinsku djecu iz njihovih domova i obitelji, ukrajinske majke nemaju izbora nego riskirati vlastite živote kako bi ih vratile. Putovanja koja traju tjednima kroz Rusiju i višednevna ispitivanja Savezna sigurnosna služba Ruske Federacije (FSB) postala su njihov svakodnevni užas. Bez ovih očajničkih pokušaja, čitave generacije mogle bi zauvijek biti izgubljene
This article focuses on the Russian government's practice of forcibly removing Ukrainian children from their families and placing them in camps they call "camps for recreation". This practice is characterized as stealing an entire generation of Ukrainian children, and Ukrainian mothers are forced to risk their own lives to retrieve them. The article highlights the dangers and trauma these children face, using the story of Teyana Bodak and her experience with Russian occupation forces as an example.
Essentially, the article exposes the cruel tactic of Russia using children as hostages and manipulating families during the war, aiming to sever their connection to Ukraine.
This article focuses on the Russian government's practice of forcibly removing Ukrainian children from their families and placing them in camps they call "camps for recreation". This practice is characterized as stealing an entire generation of Ukrainian children, and Ukrainian mothers are forced to risk their own lives to retrieve them. The article highlights the dangers and trauma these children face, using the story of Teyana Bodak and her experience with Russian occupation forces as an example. Essentially, the article exposes the cruel tactic of Russia using children as hostages and manipulating families during the war, aiming to sever their connection to Ukraine.